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Weapons of Mass Destruction














































Youth Concerns 

A vast number of parents are discovering to their dismay, that schools, even those of notable (and expensive) repute, are mercilessly defrauding their offspring of treasured truths.  Parents felt comfortable with the thought that their children were attending reputable (and expensive) learning institutions and no need to worry!  Parents were especially relaxed if their offspring were attending a parochial school.  Often we have heard the lament from parents who have complained that they sacrificed to send their children to Catholic schools or colleges and now those same children refuse to attend church!  As far back as the 1950’s Our Blessed Mother warned “Clean out the schools!”  C.C.D. teachers who visit or write to the Shrine voice their disbelief in the fact that their pupils, even in the higher grades, have no knowledge of such basic facts as the Ten Commandments or Purgatory!  This sheds light on the fact that prisons can’t seem to be built fast enough and incarcerated offenders are released prematurely in order to have space for the incoming transgressors.  Our Lady urged that the youth be taught the Baltimore Catechism.  One of the first questions in the good old Baltimore is:  “Why did God make me?”  The clear answer is “God made me to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this world and be happy with Him in the next.”  This presents a distinct goal to aim for in life’s journey without a road map.  This explains the fascination with the here and now and the lack of interest in eternity.  Our Creator did not have pretty phrases for those who are neither hot nor cold but are lukewarm.  Prayer is a conversation with God.  When prayer was expelled from school, it left a yawing vacuum into which flowed numerous alien concepts.  One of these concepts, contrived in the bowels of hell, is Sex Education.

Many years ago, confiscated from an enemy camp, were the rules to destroy America.  One of these directives is: “Corrupt the young; get them away from religion.  Get them interested in sex.  Make them superficial and destroy their ruggedness.”  How painful it is to see this dangerous directive materialize which is aimed at America’s future citizens.  In an effort to keep this hidden agenda hidden, students are warned not to show the Sex Education materials to their parents as they are “old fashioned” and wouldn’t understand.”  Parents who have managed to confiscate these materials find them to be lurid, explicit and pornographic.  With emphasis, Our Blessed Mother’s Messages of Necedah warn that pornography is disturbing the minds of the youth.    “IT IS DISTURBING THEIR MINDS!”

The brutal truth is that often this filth is introduced to tender young minds in kindergarten, and it increases in intensity and perverseness with each grade.  One mother revealed to us that Sex Education was brought into every one of her daughter’s five High School classes.  More Christians are needed to oppose this relentless scourge.  Need we wonder why Our Lord said to the weeping women He met as He climbed Calvary’s Hill, “Weep not for Me, but for yourselves and for your children.”  Preoccupation with excessive Sex Education is not only disturbing, and distracting but is time consuming and is one of many reasons that test scores are plummeting.  This is only one phase in the monstrous plot to dumb down America!

Anti-Christians must be gleeful over the success of Sex Education courses.  Contraceptives have been made available in many schools and in case of contraceptive failure, lunch-hour abortions are readily available, and performed without parental consent.  At a very tender age, the young are experiencing the brutality of abortion along with the disturbing aftermath of persistent grief and guilt.  In May of 1973, it was revealed to Mary Ann: “. . . 10,000 babies are dying daily, and sixty percent are from junior high, high school, and college girls, because in the dorms there is no supervision. . . . they ruin their systems.”  When life itself no longer has any meaning, it is the end of the line.  How ironic, as millions of babies are annihilated in America, our nation’s childless couples must travel to other countries at great expense to adopt children.

Another feature of significance which has been expelled from many schools is the teaching of phonics, the basic method of learning to read, write and spell.  Parents are delving further into their pockets to hire tutors to teach their offspring to read.  The teaching of cursive writing is also being sadly neglected in many schools.  Bank tellers are complaining that students are unable to endorse their checks. 

The most pathetic part of all this neglect, is that when students have difficulty with reading, they are diagnosed with A.D.D. (Attention Deficient Disorder) and are advised to take the drug Ritalin.  One Health Book lists sixteen possible side-effects from the drug Ritalin.  Are students being treated as Guinea Pigs?  It has not as yet been determined if offspring of those who have taken Ritalin will be affected in any way.  Youth who wish to serve their country in the military who have been found to have taken Ritalin are turned down. 

Alert parents are discovering that many modern concepts taught in today’s schools, are forcing a wedge between student and parent, causing a hostile and rebellious attitude.  It is joy to meet students who are home-schooled or attend schools opened by concerned parents.  The result is well worth the effort!






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