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Saints in Review

Throughout the years Mary Ann Van Hoof was visited by many saints.  They were sent by Our Holy Mother to help her fulfill the Sacred Cause by providing encouragement and information.  Very often we find that their lives while on earth paralleled the information or purpose for their appearance to her.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

   Elizabeth was born in 1207, the daughter of Alexander II, King of Hungary and his German wife, Gertrude.  In 1211 Landgrade Hermann I of Thuringia arranged for a future marriage between his eldest son, Hermann, and four year-old Elizabeth.  Not long after, Elizabeth went to Thuringia to be brought up with her future husband.

     The Court of Thuringia was famous for its magnificence.  In spite of the purely secular life of the Court, and the pomp of her surroundings, the little girl grew up a very religious child with a very noticeable inclination to prayer, pious observances, and small acts of self-mortification.  These religious impulses were undoubtedly strengthened by the sorrowful experiences of her life, such as: her mother’s murder in 1213 by some Hungarian nobles out of hatred of the Germans; the death of young Hermann in 1216, whom she was to marry; and the hostile rebuke from the more frivolous members of the Court, who were critical of her piety.  The King's second son, Ludwig, who was seven years older than Elizabeth, often came to protect her from mistreatment. 

 King Hermann I's political plans got him in great difficulties and reverses.  He was excommunicated by the Church; and, was not reconciled at the time of his death on  April 25, 1217.  He was then succeeded by his son Ludwig IV, who, in 1221, was also made regent of Meissen and the East Mark.  During this same year Ludwig and Elizabeth were married; the groom being twenty-one years old and the bride fourteen.  The marriage was in every respect a happy and exemplary one, as the couple were devotedly attached to each other.  Ludwig gave his protection to Elizabeth's acts of charity, penance, and her vigils; and, often held her hands as she knelt praying at night beside his bed.  He was also  a capable ruler and brave soldier.  The Germans called him St. Ludwig, a tribute given to him as one of the best men of his age; and, the pious husband of Elizabeth.   

     Shortly after their marriage, Elizabeth and Ludwig made a journey to Hungary.  After this visit, Ludwig was often called upon to assist Emperor Frederick II of Hungary  because of the friendship that developed.  In 1226, when Ludwig was in Italy attending  the Diet at Cremona on behalf of the Emperor, Elizabeth assumed control of affairs and distributed alms in all parts of the territory of her husband, giving even state robes and ornaments to the poor.  In order to care personally for the unfortunate, she built a hospital with twenty-eight beds and visited the inmates daily to attend to theirs needs; while, at the same time aided nine hundred of the poor each day.  Ludwig, on his return approved, of all that she had done. 

The next year, Ludwig went with Emperor Frederick II on a Crusade to Palestine, but died on September 11, 1227 from the pest.  The news did not reach Elizabeth until October, just after giving birth to their third child.  On hearing the sad news, the twenty-one year old Elizabeth cried out: “The world with all its joys is now dead to me!”

     Earlier, in 1221 the followers of St. Francis made their first permanent settlement in Germany; and, in 1226 Elizabeth met Brother Rodeger, who for some time became a spiritual instructor of Elizabeth.  After a while the post of Brother Rodeger was filled by Master Conrad of Marburg, who belonged to no order.  He was, however, well known as a preacher of the crusade and also as a judge is cases of heresy.  Pope Gregory IX, who wrote at times to Elizabeth, recommended her to this God-fearing preacher.

     After her husband Ludwig's death, Elizabeth found the tender care needed for her children and looked to Conrad for growth in her road to sanctity.  Conrad treated Elizabeth with severity: nevertheless, he brought her with a firm hand by the road of self-mortification to the sanctity she was seeking.  He forebade her to follow St. Francis in complete poverty as a beggar; yet, on the other hand, by the command to keep her dower, she was enabled to perform works of charity and tenderness.

     The Bishop of Bamberg, Elizabeth's uncle, was intent on arranging another marriage for her; however, during the lifetime of her husband she had made a vow of continence in case of his death.  While Elizabeth was maintaining her position against her uncle, the remains of her husband were brought to Bamberg by his faithful followers.  Weeping bitterly, she buried the body in the family vault of the landgraves of Thuringia in the monastery of Reinhardsbrunn.  With the aid of Conrad, Elizabeth now received the value of her dower in money, namely two thousand marks; of this sum, she divided five hundred marks in one day among the poor. 

On Good Friday in 1228, Elizabeth formally renounced the world in the Franciscan house at Eisenach; then, going to Master Conrad at Marburg, she and her maids received from him the dress of the Third Order of St. Francis.  In the summer of 1228 she built the Franciscan hospital at Marburg; and, upon its completion devoted herself entirely to the care of the sick, especially to those afflicted with the most loathsome diseases.

Still maintaining her many self-mortifications and spiritual renunciations, Elizabeth was constant in her devotion to God by her charitable labors.  She passed away at the age of twenty-four, a time when life to most human beings is just opening.
     Very soon after the death of Elizabeth, miracles of healing began to be worked at her grave in the church of the hospital.  Master Conrad showed great zeal in advancing the process of canonization.  By papal command three examinations were held of those who had been healed: namely, in August, 1232; January, 1233; and January, 1235.  However, before the process reached its end, Conrad was murdered on July 30, 1233.
On Pentecost, May 28, 1235, the solemn ceremony of canonization of the “greatest woman of the German Middle Ages” was celebrated by Pope Gregory IX at Perugia.  Later in August of 1235, the corner-stone of the beautiful Gothic church of St. Elizabeth was laid at Marburg; then on May 1, 1236 Emperor Frederick II attended the taking-up of the body of the saint; and, finally in 1249 her remains were placed in the choir of the church of St. Elizabeth which was formally consecrated in 1283.

The Feast Day of St. Elizabeth is observed in the Catholic Church on November 17th.