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My Dear Friends,

     Over the years I have found that one increasingly popular philosophy is that of relativism, or what some call "moral relativism".  It is one of the most widespread of the "isms" in America today.  Moral relativism is espoused by nearly all of society, whether they realize it or not.  A basic explanation of the philosophy is this:  You believe what you want to believe.  I believe what I want to believe.  there is no right or wrong.  This is the philosophy that causes a great number of us to see nothing wrong with keeping Cosmopolitan of the coffee table next to the Bible.

     Basically, this philosophy has its feet firmly planted in he air.  the very premise "there is no right or wrong" is self-defeating because it is in itself a statement of fact, which it claims does not exist.  when taken to its logical conclusion, most people who embrace this philosophy rarely follow it.  If there is no right or wrong, then it wouldn't matter if I murdered someone if I believed that it was the right thing to do.

     Here is a true story as told to Gregory Koukl by Jennifer Personius in November 1988 as he relates in Relativism.  It took place in a major hospital in Los Angeles area.
          One night a nurse on my shift came up to me and said, "Jennifer, you need to see the Garcia baby."  There was something suspicious about the way she said it, though.  I see babies born every hour, I thought.
           She led me to a utility room the nurses used for their breaks.  Women were smoking and drinking coffee, their feet up on the stainless steel counter.  There, lying on the metal, was the naked body of a newborn baby.
           "What is this baby doing here on this counter?" I asked timidly.
           "That's a preemie born at nineteen weeks, "she said.  "we don't do anything to save them unless they're twenty weeks."
           I noticed that his chest was fluttering rapidly.  I picked him up for a closer look.  "This baby is still alive!"  I exclaimed.  I thought they hadn't noticed.
           Then I learned the horrible truth.  The nurses knew, and it didn't matter.  They had presented the baby to its mother as a dead, premature child.  Then they took him away and tossed him on the cold, steel counter in the lunch room until he died.  His skin was blotchy white, and his mouth was gaping open as he tried to breathe.
           I did the one thing I could think of.  I held him in his last moments so he'd at least have some warmth and love when he died.
           Just then one of the nurses - a large, harsh woman - burst into the room.
           "Jennifer, what are you doing with that baby?" she yelled.
           "He's still alive ..."
           "He's still alive because you're holding him," she said.  Grabbing him by the back with one hand, she snatched him from me, opened one of the stainless steel cabinets, and pulled out a specimen container with formaldehyde in it.  She tossed the baby in and snapped the lid on.  It was over in an instant.
           To them, this child wasn't human.  In seven more days he would have qualified, but as nineteen weeks he was just trash.

      You see, if there is no truth, then nothing has nay true value.  that includes human life.  We see that today with the debate on abortion, stem-cell research, cloning, euthanasia and the like. Fifty years ago these issues wouldn't need to be debated.  Today, anything goes when it comes to morality.  We hear more and more sick stories which should shock us, and would have shocked our grandparents.  But the problem is we hear them so often that they have become the norm.

     Today People who are moral relativists pride themselves on being tolerant.  They will tolerate and and every sick perversion.  This is why the homosexuals, who comprise but a tiny percentage of our population, are able to get away with "marrying" each other.  If the people voted, if the people really cared enough to vote,  the homosexuals would lose because they have not completely changed the public's perception of them.  They have convinced us to tolerate them, though.  And that is a large part of the problem.

     Moral relativists tell you to be non-judgmental open-minded and tolerant.  Ironically, relativists rarely are non-judgmental, open-minded or tolerant.  If you disagree with them and proclaim that there really is a moral code they will tell you that you are being judgmental close-minded and intolerant.  This is especially true in the universities where PC language is enforced and anyone who espouses morality is accused of sexual harassment or of being "homophobic" (a term invented by the homosexuals).  The world is a messed up place when it tries to forget God.

     But, take heart and look at eh bright side of things.  In the end, we know that God will win.  Things are really bad and they may get worse.  But in the end good will overcome evil.  We don't know how long it will take and it is sure to be shorter if we will all pray about it.  Take courage and remember that it is mainly the good and unselfish people who are producing children for the future.

           God Bless,  Charity

Note: To get a good understanding of this situation and how to argue with a moral relativist without going crazy, I suggest picking up a copy of the book "Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air" by Francis Beckwith and Gregory Koukl.


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