Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix Between God and Man Shrine
Necedah • Wisconsin

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Catalog Item - Book -#683
My Work With Necedah (4 Volume Set)

683  FOUR VOLUMES Written by Henry Swan 

Volume I  (187 pages) Gives details of first appearances of Blessed Mother to Mrs. Van Hoof in her home, shows pictures of estimated crowd of 100,000 people gathering at the Shrine, and explains the sun spinning similar to Fatima in 1917.  Gives details of persecution of Mrs. Van Hoof and her family.  (Note: the three children at Fatima were also subjected to great persecution and it took 30 years before the Fatima message became known in America.)  Tells the story of Mrs. Van Hoof’s suffering periods and how she viewed and suffered the Passion of Our Lord.  This book is excellent for explaining how a person is chosen to become a Victim Soul or Mystic and Seer. 

Volume II  (442 pages) Gives full details of preparation for estimated 100,000 people who came to this small village of Necedah on each of two occasions and the effect this had on the Van Hoof family.  Orders from Bishop Tracey to report for a physical examination in Milwaukee by a group of medical specialists, and spiritual investigators.  It explains the severe suffering of this Victim Soul, whose purpose is to clean up and compensate for the sins of the young people; explains details of visionary power the victim has been given through God and His Holy Mother (p. 62); also discusses how the Saints in Heaven have given messages of direction.  Actual messages of St. Anne, St. Francis, St. Therese are given which helps show how the Saints are very close to us on earth; and, how they see what we are doing and hear what we are saying.
     This book includes the Narration of the Last Supper as visioned by Mrs. Van Hoof, so that the reader feels he is personally present as this great event takes place.
     A detailed vision of the Passion of Our Lord (pages 127 to 163) gives the reader a true understanding and realization of the suffering Our Lord went through for us.
      A detailed eye-witness account of the suffering of Mrs. Van Hoof by Father Scheetz is given, which illustrates how revelations from Heaven are given during these suffering periods. 

Volume III  (310 pages)  Explains which groups of Internationalists are working for World Control.  Why Abraham Lincoln was murdered!  Truth about Adolph Hitler and his double.  Revelations regarding: Sports Rackets, Foundations, Fluoridation, Cancer Cure, Cosmic Rays, Russian secret arsenal in Siberia, Superiority of Russian atomic energy, New York subterranean tunnels, U.N., Stalin murder and why, Seminary Infiltration, Cobalt bomb, Rockefeller empire, Nixon prophecy, DDT, Andrea Doria rammed, Penicillin cost, Controlled Communications, Fish contamination, Subversives named and Senators that are part of the plot.  The Middle East is analyzed and the real position of Russia, Egypt, Israel, Britain and the U.S.A. is explained. 

Volume IV  (218 pages) True Russian history, Rothschild history, how Napolean was defeated at Waterloo, how New Orleans was saved by Blessed Mother, who promoted Civil War in America, how Russia was taken over, assassination of Russian leaders and who was responsible, loopholes in our immigration laws, Christ’s warning, 15 million Yids.  Humanum Genus, Encyclical Pope Leo XIII cn Freemasonry, George Washington’s vision of Blessed Mother and 5 sieges America would go through, list of subversives, why the Tzars had to die, how the Tzars died, subverting the minds of men, details Satan’s own chain of command, fallout, France.


The Four Volumes are available in hard cover for:


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